Walking Bass
Quickstep: long and short, high and low
The first ever real "walking bass" in the world! Create melodies juts by walking along a long, thick string. Electrically amplified; dynamics can be regulated.
Facts & Data
- Material - Wood, Kevlar rope, loudspeaker
- Sound - Low, warm
- Place of use - Outside or in
- Setup time - 10 minutes
- Duration of use - Hours, days, weeks or months
- Spatial requirements - Approx. 1 x 3 meters
Games & Activities
- Number of players - 2
- Directions - Recommended
- Need for supervision - Protection against vandalism
- Average duration of individual use - 1-3 minutes
- Possible things to do - Plucking, balancing
Knowledge & experience
- Understanding string length as an important factor
- Pitch
- Bass
- Correspondence between long-short and low-high
Flash is required!