Latest news of the MobilesMusikMuseum
Opening of big Open Air exhibition at the Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem
Big Open Air - Event in Israel for four months.[more]
2015 Ecsite Annual Conference
Michael Bradke presents his Orchestra of Giants...[more]
2. May 2015: Opening in Luxemburg - "24 Heures Electro for Kids"
The MobileMusikMuseum participates for the fifth time at the "Aquarium" of Rockhal, Esch/Alzette[more]
Science Center "Mill Of Knowledge" in Toruń, Polen - extended until march 15 2015 !!
For the second time at the new Science Centre - 4 Musical Tables, ReLoop, Standing Wave and Voice Transformer exhibited on 100 square metres.[more]
Abu Dhabi Science Festival - big success!!
From november 13th to 22nd 2014, with 4000-5000 visitors a day, the MMM has performed brilliantly again.[more]
Back again - Abu Dhabi Science Festival - for the fourth time!
The desert awaits![more]
160.000 visitors at the exhibition "Bazarasons"
From july 7th until november 8th at the Palais de la Découverte in Paris [more]
Opening at Science Center "Mill Of Knowledge" in Toruń, Polen
7.11.2014 to 31.01.2015 - for the second time at the new Science Centre[more]
Youth's Music Festival Sachsen Anhalt
Musical Tables in the "Casino of Sounds" - Register for groups now!![more]