Latest news of the MobilesMusikMuseum
Go West No. 2: MMM in San Francisco, California
Osher Fellowship at the exploratorium[more]
Join In! - The MMM performs at the Humboldt-School Costa Rica
Musical World Tour travels the world - with the generous help of the German embassy in Costa Rica!
Go West No 1: MMM in San José, Costa Rica
XVI Congreso Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad[more]
Technorama Winterthur: Beginning of five-week-summer-event
H2Orchestra, Tone Tubes, Metallophone in the park of the Swiss Science Center: Extra show extending 'Klangwelten' at Technorama[more]
Go East: MMM in Almaty, Kasachstan
Conference of Russian Musical Instrument Museums[more]
Opening of the exhibition "Bazarasons" at Palais de la Découverte in Paris
Another large collection of the MMM will be sounding in France for four months[more]
Baden Baden - "Tusch" - great success!!
June 21st und 22nd the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden celebrated its large "Tusch! - Kinder-Kunst-Musikfest" - Here you can find some impressions:[more]
Large presentation at the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden
Michael Bradke creates "Tusch!" - The children's musical art party![more]
ecsite - The European Network of Science Centres and Museums
Michael Bradke will present three shows and workshops...[more]
3. May 2014 opening in Luxemburg: "24 Heures Electro for Kids"
Four Musical Tables and the Samplophoneat the "Aquarium" of Rockhal, Esch/Alzette[more]