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The Mobile Music Museum

The Mobile Music Museum and its collections

For twenty years, the Mobile Music Museum has been collecting, preserving and developing sound sculptures, sound-makers, sound-producing objects, musical game-playing rules and "body music" practices from around the world. The MMM exhibits its collections across the country and the world in cooperation with museums, exhibition spaces, pedagogical cultural institutions, schools and children's theaters as well as at large events.

The MMM lends children, families and educators the courage and inspiration needed for interactive music-making while employing a broad spectrum of teaching methodologies ranging from philosophies on cultural instruction to museum pedagogical methodologies (please see below).

The depot, workshop and offices of the MMM are located in Düsseldorf.

Collect - Show & Tell - Document - Develop
For an outline of the basic concept underlying the work of the Mobile Music Museum, see here...


The MMM has a collection of more than fifty interactive sound sculptures, which can be loaned out either individually or as a grouped-together theme-based exhibition; possible themes include acoustics, the connections between music and mathematics and the connections between music and the visual arts. For more, click here...

Join In!

Clapping, singing, dancing, listening and experiencing amazement - some of the Mobile Music Museum collections can only be demonstrated in person to larger groups. For these collections, Michael Bradke makes personal appearances, which always include interactive audience participation. More...

Open-air events

Huge orchestral machines at open-air events inspire kids aged 2 to 101 to experiment freely with pitches and sounds. More...


From time to time, the MMM is invited to develop and implement permanent or temporary sound installations, exhibition pieces or conceptual designs for established institutions. More...

Project seminars

The MMM offers hour-, day- and weeklong project seminars, focusing intensively on a specific topic with smaller or larger groups, the end goal being to give a performance or create a room installation. More...

Links & Downloads

The Mobile Music Museum and its Collections
Author: Michael Bradke
Published in gruppe&spiel 5/09
Download .pdf (German, 2.7 MB)

Interactive Sound Objects
Author: Michael Bradke
Published by the LKD-Verlag, Unna, 10/1994
Download .pdf (English, 1.4 MB)